During the holidays and vacation time, traveling light is important especially if you have a family. Suitcases and bags tend to pile up at an alarming rate. With airline bag fees and our cars getting smaller for economy sake, it is important to pack smart. Here are 5 helpful travel tips;
Toys. Take one or two, but not everyone that junior loves. Talk to you child and let them help in the picking process.
Clothes. Last minute “I might need” packing tends to lead to stuffed suitcases. Pack comfortable, lightweight, dark items (hide stains) that dry quickly. Also, learn to roll your clothes. This will decrease wrinkles and gives more room in the baggage.
Bulky Stuff. Diapers, wipes, baby food, etc. can quickly become a mountain in your luggage. Pack what is needed for travel and buy the rest when you get to your destination.
Beauty products. Hair dryers, roller brushes, and other big items are not only bulky but add to the weight. If you have a family, bring one or two and share. Also, most hotels have hair dryers. call ahead and check to see if they do.
Work related items. It’s your vacation, don’t bring work with you if you can help it. You and your family will enjoy the trip so much more without this distraction.
So, these helpful tips will save your back, your wallet and hopefully will reduce some of the stress involved in travel. Remember, it’s a vacation or travel time, which is meant to be fun and relaxing.